
Effective December 9, 2024, all court users are permitted to file documents eligible for eFiling in unlimited civil, limited civil, small claims, and probate cases through an approved Electronic Filing Service Provider (“EFSP”). eFiling is permissive at this time and the court will provide notice to the public before making eFiling mandatory.

You can eFile documents 24/7 through an approved Electronic Filing Service Provider (EFSP). Documents received electronically by the Court between 12:00 a.m. and 11:59 p.m. on any court day are deemed filed that same day if accepted. Any documents received electronically on a non-court day (i.e., weekend or holiday) are deemed filed on the next court day if accepted.

DISCLAIMER: Protect Your Privacy
Many filed documents are viewable by the general public through the Court's eCourt Public Portal. It is the sole responsibility of the filer to ensure that confidential identifiers are properly omitted or redacted prior to transmission. [California Rule of Court, rule 1.201]

How to File

  1. Review the court’s Administrative Order Number 24.04 and Frequently Asked Questions.
  2. Select an approved Electronic Filing Service Provider (EFSP) and create an account. See the list of approved EFSPs.
  3. Submit your documents for filing. Conformed copies are available through your EFSP account.

For a list of documents ineligible for eFiling, please see Administrative Order 24.04.


© 2024 Superior Court of California, Ventura County