To make an appointment with the Clerk’s Office, please visit the homepage and click
the “Schedule an Appointment” button.
Be sure that you schedule your appointment for the correct department.
Appointments scheduled in the incorrect department are subject to cancellation.
In accordance with the 2nd Amended Administrative Order 22.04, walk-in services are currently unavailable.
An appointment is required. Customers are limited to one 30-minute appointment per day.
Filings are accepted in the drop box located at the main entrance of the courthouse, via eDelivery, or by US Mail.
* * * PUBLIC NOTICE * * *
- Mandatory Electronic Filing - Effective May 5, 2025 [More...]
- Unlawful Detainer and Civil Calendar Remote Appearance Instructions for Department 21
- Commissioner Courtney M. Lewis will be assigned to Departments S1 and J5 - Effective January 6, 2025
- Judge Charmaine H. Buehner will be assigned to Department 21, Unlawful Detainer Calendar - Effective January 1, 2025
- Judge Charmaine H. Buehner will be assigned to Department 21, Civil - Effective January 1, 2025
- Judge Maureen M. Houska will be assigned to Department 20, Civil - Effective January 1, 2025
Click here for Courtroom 20 Rules and Procedures - Effective January 2, 2025 - Judge Ronda J. McKaig will be assigned to Department 42, Civil - Effective December 23, 2024
- Judge Carla Ortega will be assigned to Department 41, Civil - Effective December 23, 2024
- Updated Notice of Renewal of Judgment Procedure - Effective January 1, 2024
- Notice - Submission of Evidence for Unlawful Detainer Trials - Effective November 15, 2023
- Notice of Change to Civil Case Management Calendar - Effective November 6, 2023
- Asset Forfeiture Calendar Notice
- Asset Forfeiture Calendar Remote Appearance Instructions
- Notice Re: Civil & Probate Conformed Copies - Effective 5/16/23
- Administrative Order 20.28 - July 30, 2020 - Re Public Access to Newly Filed Nonconfidential Civil Unlimited Complaints.
- Administrative Order 20.34 - September 18, 2020 - Re Implementation of AB3088, the Tenant, the Homeowner, and Small Landlord Relief and Stabilization Act and Center for Disease Control and Prevention Moratorium on Evictions
- Notice of Public Access to Scanned Civil Unlimited Complaints
Check back often for updates.
The civil division is the processing unit where all civil matters are filed. A civil matter involves a lawsuit in which one party sues another to recover money, real property or personal property, to enforce a contract or an obligation, to collect damages for injury or to protect some civil right. The court has jurisdiction over all types of civil cases in Ventura County, including those within the jurisdiction of the former municipal court. The jurisdiction of the former municipal court involves all cases at law in which the demand exclusive of interest or the value of the property in controversy amounts to $35,000 or less, these are known as limited civil cases. Ventura County complies with delay reduction through fast track standards and multi-door courthouse processes such as mandatory early settlement conferences, mandatory mediation and arbitration.
General Civil cases are heard at the Ventura Courthouse.
Office and telephone hours are Monday – Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. (closed 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.)
Appointment hours are Monday – Friday: 8:30 a.m. -11:30a.m. and 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. (closed 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.)
Please read our Limitation on Counter Filings
A Civil Case Cover Sheet is required with all new complaints. The courtroom your case is assigned to can be found on the Notice of Case Assignment that will be provided to you when your case is filed.
Service of ADR Package: Pursuant to California Rule of Court 3.221, in all general civil cases, the plaintiff must serve a copy of the ADR information package on each defendant together with the complaint. Cross-complainants must serve a copy of the ADR information package on any new parties to the action together with the cross-complaint. Download the Ventura Superior Court ADR Information Sheet.
Pursuant to local rule, all noticed or ex-parte motions and any pleadings in support or opposition thereto must be filed in the courthouse in which the department of the appropriate judge is located. Some civil courtrooms have limits on the number of ex-parte hearings and Law & Motion matters that can be scheduled each day. These courtrooms require the parties to call in advance and reserve a hearing date and time. Parties are encouraged to all the Civil Unit at 805-289-8525 to determine if the courtroom their case is assigned to requires a reservation and for additional information on how to reserve a hearing.
Filings can be submitted to the court via US Mail at:
Ventura Superior Court
Attn: Civil Clerk’s Office
PO Box 6489
Ventura, CA 93006
A drop box is available outside of the courthouse for those who wish to drop filings without making an appointment to file in person with the Clerk's Office. Filings that are deposited in the drop box Monday through Friday, before 4:00 p.m., excluding holidays will be filed the date they are received. Filings that are deposited in the drop box after 4:00 p.m. will be filed the next business day.
E-Delivery is also available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., excluding holidays for delivery of filings electronically. The link to eDelivery is available on the Court Website
Requests for continuance may require a Declaration and Order or a stipulation and order. The clerk cannot grant a continuance.
Civil Filing Information - Helpful tips for properly filing your case.
Summons and complaint may be served by the Sheriff, Marshal, registered process server or anyone over the age of 18 who is not a party to the action. The original proof of service must be filed with the court to obtain a judgment against the defendant.
Notices may be served by personal service or by first-class mail. A proof of service or declaration of mailing must be attached to the notice when it is filed with the court.
If you have been served with a summons and complaint and want to respond, forms may be available in the clerk's office or on our local forms page or the state forms web page. A five day summons requires an immediate response. Failure to file a response may lead to a judgment being entered against you.
Motions together with proof of service must be served and filed at least 16 court days before the hearing and must contain the correct date, time and courtroom for the hearing.
The fee for filing a motion is $60.00 if the first appearance fee has already been paid.
Noticed or Ex-parte motions are heard at various times. Some civil courtrooms have limits on the number of ex-parte hearings and Law & Motion matters that can be scheduled each day. These courtrooms require the parties to call in advance and reserve a hearing date and time. Parties are encouraged to call the Civil Unit at 805-289-8525 to determine if the courtroom their case is assigned to requires a reservation and for additional information on how to reserve a hearing.
Noticed and Ex-parte motions must be filed in the courthouse in which the department of the appropriate judge is located.
In an appeal, a higher court reviews the order or judgment of a lower court. Any party may appeal from an unfavorable decision based upon whether there was enough evidence to support the judgment or whether errors of law were committed during or before trial which harmed the appealing party.
The fee for filing an appeal from a decision in a limited civil case with a jurisdictional amount up to $10,000.00 is $225.00 and the fee in a limited civil case with a jurisdictional amount over $10,000.00 and up to $35,000.00 is $370.00. The fee for filing an appeal from a decision in an unlimited civil case decision is $775.00 payable to the District Court of Appeal and $100.00 payable to the Ventura Superior Court as deposit for the clerk’s transcript. The form for filing an unlimited civil appeal is Judicial Council form “Notice of Appeal/Cross-Appeal” (APP-002). There is no form available to file an appeal in a limited civil case and the form must be self-drafted.
On a decision in a limited civil case (those within the jurisdiction of the former municipal court), the notice of appeal must be filed within 30 days after the mailing or personal service of the notice of entry of judgment. If a Notice has not been mailed or personally served, the appeal period is 90 days from the entry of judgment by the court.
On a decision of the Superior Court, the notice of appeal must be filed within 60 days after the mailing or personal service of the entry of judgment. If a Notice has not been mailed or personally served, the appeal period is 180 days from the entry of judgment by the court. Permission to file late is rarely given.
Filing of a notice of appeal does not stop enforcement of the judgment. You must still comply with all court orders.
Brochures which provide information on free or low cost legal assistance are available in the clerks office.
You may also find legal guides and references in the Ventura County Law Library which is located in the Hall of Justice at 800 South Victoria Avenue in Ventura.
The Superior Court has self-help centers, established to help people representing themselves choose and complete the correct legal forms.
Book stores also sell legal books and references.
The Civil Mediation Program is currently suspended.
The Ventura Superior Court allows Mandatory Settlement Conferences to be conducted remotely through Zoom. Because of
technological constraints, the Court cannot conduct an MSC in which some participants appear in person while others
appear by Zoom: all participants must appear by Zoom in order for the MSC to be conducted by Zoom.
MSC Briefs must be no more than 5 pages in length and must be submitted at least 5 court days prior to the MSC via email
directly to:
For MSCs conducted by Zoom, the court will act as the host for the Zoom conference and send email invitations to the
parties/counsel. Parties who agree to have their MSC conducted by Zoom must complete the form below and provide the
court with email addresses where the Zoom invitation can be sent on the date of the scheduled MSC. The form must be
completed by all parties who intend to participate in an MSC conducted by Zoom and be filed with the court at least 5
court days prior to the MSC along with the submission of the Settlement Conference Statement to the email above.
(Cal. Rules Ct., Rule 3.1380(c).). The form explains the rules applicable to remote MSCs.
The court does not provide advice or assistance on how to use Zoom. Instructions on how to use Zoom can be found at:
“Trial counsel, parties, and persons with full authority to settle the case must personally attend the conference,
unless excused by the court for good cause. If any consent to settle is required for any reason, the party with that
consensual authority must be personally present at the conference.” (Cal. Rules Ct, rule 3.1380(b).)
For MSCs conducted remotely, the same confidentiality rules apply as with in person MSCs. No photography,
recording or broadcasting of all or any portion of an MSC is permitted, including by screenshot, audio or
video recording, or otherwise. (See Cal. Rules of Court, rule 1.150; Pen. Code § 632.) Participants who appear
by Zoom are prohibited from forwarding the Zoom invitation or disclosing the Zoom meeting identification code
to any non-participant. No other person can view or listen to the remote MSC except those listed on the below form.
For frequently asked questions about civil law, visit our FAQs page.