Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Courtroom 43 - Honorable Judge Benjamin F. Coats

Courtroom 43 - Civil Trials, Law & Motion

Law & Motion Matters and Hearing Calendar for Law & Motion

Absent unusual circumstances, Judge Coats will begin the law and motion calendar in Courtroom 43 at 8:45 a.m. Please check in with the courtroom clerk when the doors open at that time. If appearing by Zoom or CourtCall please check in before 8:20 a.m. The Court often publishes tentative decisions on law and motion matters at the end of the day prior to the hearing date. Please check the "Courtroom 43 Tentative Rulings" section below to see if a tentative decision has been published on your matter.

If you would like to submit on a tentative decision, you must send an email notifying the court and opposing counsel of your decision to submit without making an appearance. Please note: if you submit on a tentative decision and another party appears, the hearing will proceed in your absence. If all parties advise the Court that they submit on the tentative ruling, the Court will adopt the tentative and no appearance is required. Email submissions should be sent to the Court at: with all parties copied on the email. In the alternative, you may send a fax to Judge Coats's secretary, Hellmi McIntyre at 805-477-5894, with copies to all parties.



Pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure sections 128 and 367.75, and in the interests of convenience and economy, Judge Coats allows all attorneys and parties who appear for most proceedings calendared in Courtroom 43 to do so remotely by Court Call or Zoom in lieu of appearing in person. The parties may appear remotely by Zoom or Court Call for Zoom appearances, all counsel appearing by Zoom must email the court at with a simultaneous copy to all other counsel/self-represented parties no later than 3:00 p.m. the court day before the hearing. INCLUDE THE PHRASE "ZOOM APPEARANCE ON (DATE OF HEARING)" IN THE SUBJECT LINE OF YOUR EMAIL. The email must identify the person who will make the appearance. You will receive the login information for your appearance in reply to your email. If appearing by Zoom, log into the hearing no later than 8:30 a.m. The Court will transfer you to the hearing room when your matter is called. Please make sure that the name that is seen on Zoom is the name (first and last) of the attorney making the appearance, along with the abbreviated case name (i.e., "Jones v Smith"). IF YOU DO NOT FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO APPEAR BY ZOOM AT THE HEARING.


To appear by Court Call, visit or call 888-882-6878. Court Call registrations close by 4:00 p.m. the court day before the hearing (excluding weekends and court holidays).

Parties may appear by Zoom or Court Call for all calendar matters, including law and motion, minor's compromise, ex parte, Status Conference, Case Management Conference, and Trial Setting Conference hearings, unless a personal appearance is ordered by the Court. Judge Coats permits default prove-up hearings, some court trials (attorneys must appear in person) and other evidentiary hearings to be conducted by Zoom with leave of the Court by noticed motion or stipulation of the parties upon a request made by email to not later than 30 days before the hearing or otherwise by order of Judge Coats.

Any request for a witness to testify by Zoom in a jury trial must be by stipulation of the parties, or by order of the Court, not later than 30 days before the trial or otherwise with leave of the Court.

All those appearing by Zoom shall comply with the following orders: (1) participants shall be dressed in business attire appropriate to the formality of the courtroom; (2) participants may not use virtual backgrounds; (3) participants shall be in a private, quiet location devoid of distractions, including loud noises; (4) participants shall not be driving an automobile or otherwise engaged in any activity which distracts from the ability of participants to focus on the court proceeding; (5) participants shall not use any filters or graphics which modify or alter the video image or voices of the participants; (6), participants shall behave in a manner consistent with proper courtroom decorum at all times; (7) if a participant is observing only and not permitted to speak during the hearing, then the participant shall mute their audio and turn off their video during the hearing unless otherwise directed by the Court; and (8) participants must ensure they have reliable internet access which provides uninterrupted audio and video connection during the Zoom proceeding. PLEASE NOTE: A willful or intentional violation of any of these orders may be punished by a monetary sanction pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 177.5, or by contempt of court, which may result in a fine of $1,000 or confinement in jail for up to five days for each violation.

All emails to the Courtroom 43 address must be simultaneously copied to all other attorneys or self-represented parties appearing in the action. Judge Coats will not respond to communications sent to the Courtroom 43 email address.

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Courtroom 43 Tentative Rulings

Case Number Event Type Event Date/Time Department Document
2023CUOR014157 Motion for Order that her Costs of Partition including Attorney Fees be awarded and Charged to Defendant Greg Camarillos Share of the Proceeds of Sale of 1034 Walnut Drive, Oxnard, California 93036 3/6/2025 8:30 AM 43 Tentative
2024CUPA020866 Motion for Leave to File a Cross-Complaint Defendants GMH Inc and Anthony M Valencia 3/4/2025 8:20 AM 43 Tentative
202000546373CUBC Motion to Tax Costs 2/28/2025 8:20 AM 43 Tentative
2024CUWT028132 Motion to Compel Arbitration and Stay or Dismiss Proceedings 2/28/2025 8:20 AM 43 Tentative
202200572270CUOE Motion to Compel Further Answers by Plaintiff Counsel 3/3/2025 8:20 AM 43 Tentative
2024CUIC031374 Motion for Trial Preference for Plaintiff 3/5/2025 8:20 AM 43 Tentative
202100559933CUPA Motion to Strike Defendant's Answer 2/28/2025 8:20 AM 43 Tentative
2023CUFR013457 Motion for Sanctions Totalling $2,320 Against Defendant/Cross Complainants Gene Sigal/Jazen Global and Their Counsel 3/3/2025 8:20 AM 43 Tentative
2023CUMM006747 Motion for Summary Judgment for Defendant Allister A George MD Counsel 3/6/2025 8:20 AM 43 Tentative

Courtroom 43 Calendar

© 2025 Superior Court of California, Ventura County